OAB provides your institution with never before available, effective tools to use in making crucial academic decisions needed to stay competitive. In the context of your institutional mission, quality, market potential, cost and revenue, OAB:
Examines the long-term viability of each of your majors
Identifies opportunities for growth or expansion
Identifies areas where costs may need to be contained or reduced
Provides knowledge you may use to redirect resources where needed most to increase enrollment, maximize the value of the curriculum and strengthen institutional viability
OAB utilizes market potential data (inquiries, applicants, admitted students, enrolled students and graduates) to measure demand for each of your programs, student credit hours (SCH) generated by programs as a proxy for revenues, and the direct (faculty and departmental) costs for teaching each program. It may be applied to all academic program offerings - undergraduate, graduate and non-traditional.
The Higher Education Practice, LLC Phone:908-310-6943 Fax:908-349-3041